Top-100 artists:

Own a Piece of Iconic Artwork

Initial Fraction Offering refers to the primary public offering of fractionalized physical artwork. During this process, the artwork ownership is fractionalized. Typically between 1,000 to 100,000 shards.

Each fraction is an NFT representing a share of the ownership of the underlying asset. These fractions have governance rights over the underlying asset and are eligible at pro rata for a share of the proceeds when the artwork is sold.

LiveArt's vision is to bring premium "investment grade" artworks, that are expected to appreciate in value, to collectors around the world.






Target artwork price range




Sourcing & Pricing

LiveArt's advisory team, responsible for handling high value transactions in the physical world, sources artworks from top institutions and collectors from around the world.



LiveArt's in-house sourcing team of experts finds the best deal to fractionalize. LiveArt's sourcing process for art fractionalization heralds a new era in art ownership and investment.


Through a curated network of esteemed partners, including globally recognized artists, prestigious estates, and esteemed galleries, we proactively initiate collaborations that bring an array of distinguished artworks to our platform.


The team meticulously selects each piece, ensuring that the offerings not only resonate with the investment savvy but also with those who possess a deep appreciation for the aesthetic and historical significance.


Each artwork that is sourced by LiveArt undergoes a screening process to verify and price artworks in the market. The pricing is driven largely by the LiveArt Estimate.

Secondary Trading

After the initial fraction offering, the fraction holders can freely trade their fractions on any NFT marketplace. While the primary sales of the fraction is more targeting crypto currency holders, the secondary market on LiveArt is made to onboard a larger audience.

Through an easy to navigate shopping experience, Web2 users can pick the fraction of their choice and purchase it using either crypto currency or Fiat.


Why Blockchain?

We are often asked "why do this using blockchain technology?" Why not just start an art fund and invest into these artworks in a traditional sense? These are good questions — but there are very practical and exciting use cases for tokenization of RWAs.


Blockchain technology immediately lowers the barrier to entry, expanding market reach for the business.


Unlike traditional "art shares", fractions of artworks can be easily bought, sold, shared and traded using blockchain technology.


There is the opportunity to use native DeFi protocols (lending, staking, secondary trading) to significantly enhances market liquidity and trading volumes.


Enables the creation of art indices and derivative products for diverse investment strategies.

Why invest in Art?

Art is an incredible overperforming asset class (a $2T asset), which until recently, has only been available to the ultra-wealthy.

Fractionalization of real world assets (RWAs) makes these assets accessible to a much broader audience.


Buyout Process

LiveArt Buyouts are a way to offer to buy fractionalized artworks.

Web3 Native Offers

Web2 Native Offers


With LiveArt Buyouts, any ArtShare owner can offer to buyout the ArtVault/ArtToken. To do so you, the ArtShare owner, must declare a fair total purchase price for the ArtVault/ArtToken (in ETH).


This offer amount will be used to calculate an implied value per ArtShare. You must then put up that amount in ETH + ArtShares. To submit an offer, you must put up at least 1 ArtShare as collateral.


The implied value of the ArtShares offered reduces the amount of ETH needed for the offer. In other words, the more ArtShares you put up as collateral, the less ETH you have to pay in the event your offer is accepted.


ArtShare owners can stay on top of any current offers by joining the LiveArt Discord.